Time to Vote: Get Registered, Get Ready
Why register to vote? If you’re not registered, you can’t vote! Young people and people of color have lower rates of registration than the national average. This means other people are making decisions for you. Exercise your right and get your voice heard on the issues that matter most.
Who can register to vote in Washington? Any US citizen over 16 years old can register to vote. Young voters between 16 and 17 are placed in a pending status until they turn 18 when they are automatically registered to vote. In order to register online you must have either a Washington State ID, driver’s license, or a driver’s permit.
Who is eligible to vote in Washington? To be eligible to vote in Washington you must be a citizen of the US, lived in Washington at least 30 days before the election, be at least 18 years old, and not disqualified due to a court order.
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